CCCAP Parent Fee Calculator CCCAP Parent Fee Calculator

Families that participate in CCCAP may have to pay a portion of the cost of their child’s care.

Use this calculator to estimate your family’s monthly parent fees.

After filling in your information, Click “Calculate” to receive your estimated monthly parent fees, or Click “Reset” to clear the calculator.

  • How many people are in your family?

    Include yourself, all of your children, and caretakers for the child(ren) in the household (e.g. legal guardians)

    DO NOT include other individuals that live in the household without guardianship for the child(ren) (e.g. grandparents, other relatives).

  • What is your total annual household income?

    Gross work income (e.g. income from your job) and non-work income (e.g. Child Support, Unemployment) from all of the caretakers (e.g. legal guardians); and, income your child(ren) receives (e.g. Survivor Benefits).

  • How many children in your household need child care?

    Enter the total number of children that need to attend child care (e.g. infant to school-aged child care)

Monthly Parent Fee Estimate

Full Time

Regular Parent Fee: $

Discounted Parent Fee: $

Part Time

Regular Parent Fee: $

Discounted Parent Fee: $

Discount applies when using providers with Colorado Shines rating levels 3-5.
DISCLAIMER* The FPG percentage and Parent Fee amounts that are determined in these tools may differ from the FPG percentage and or the Parent Fee that your County Office may determine.The determinations made by your County Office are based on the income verification that is provided by you during the application and/or re-determination process.

Now it´s time to find a child care provider!

Call the Colorado Shines Child Care Resource and Referral line at


or search online for a CCCAP provider below

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